To achieve our outlined Vision Statement, the Barber Library & Learning Commons (BLLC) is guided by COCC Values and Future Directions.
BLLC supports student success and life-long learning with its online and print collections, technology, and web presence. Its library services are student-focused and reflect student research and curriculum needs including academic, personal, and professional interests. BLLC is committed to student information literacy.
BLLC is acknowledged for its positive reputation among students, faculty, staff, and the Central Oregon community. Students, faculty, staff, and community patrons recognize BLLC for its friendly, welcoming environment; current, authoritative print and electronic collections; access to millions of resources via its interlibrary loan services; accessible and user-friendly website; attention to service; and commitment to instruction. Students, faculty, and staff consider BLLC essential to their success.
Caliber of Faculty and Staff
BLLC faculty, staff, and administration are professional and committed to excellence. They are leaders on campus and in their fields.
BLLC provides services, collections, and instruction that foster awareness, acceptance, and appreciation for diversity.
Welcoming Environment
BLLC provides an atmosphere that is open, accessible, personable, collegial, social, and comfortable. This environment extends to the library’s web presence and its services for the Redmond, Madras, and Prineville campuses.
Internal Connections
Strong communication exists between BLLC and COCC students, faculty, staff, and administration, including college committees and governing bodies. BLLC values collaboration within the COCC community and promotes campus partnerships that enhance learning. BLLC is a leader in the college community, creating and fostering connections among all COCC campuses.
External Connections
BLLC creates community connections, partnering with higher education via regional consortium membership and collaboration with K-12, county, tribal, and prison library systems. BLLC is a leader in local, state, and regional library organizations.
Comprehensive Services
BLLC provides comprehensive services to our various constituencies at all campuses: (1) For students--offering information literacy instruction, user-services, technology, and online and print collections to support student success; (2) For faculty and staff--offering online and print collections, resources, and instruction to support teaching excellence and professional growth; and (3) For the external community--supporting lifelong learning. The library’s website is a portal for these services. The library continues to develop additional services and online and print collections based on feedback of the college community.
BLLC is an incubator for creativity and innovation among students, faculty, and staff.
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