
Strategic Themes

Page history last edited by Kirsten Hostetler 8 years, 8 months ago

In alignment with COCC's themes as outlined in the 2013-18 Strategic Plan, the library commits to meet the following objectives.





Students will have access to a rich array of information resources and technology and will develop transferable information literacy skills to help them succeed in their higher learning beyond the community college level.


Objective 1.1:  Collaborate with the Writing curriculum program in the implementation and assessment of information literacy skills as one of the General Education requirements and outcomes for the AAOT degree.

Objective 1.2.: Participate in college success initiatives to support orientation of students to the higher education environment and its requirements for success.

Objective 1.3.: Develop and implement a fully articulated information literacy program with goals and objectives that prepares and supports higher level college learning.

Objective 1.4:  Build library support services and collections that provide a high-quality information environment and library experiences at all COCC campuses to prepare students for the level of research work they will be engaged in after they transfer.

Objective 1.5: Collaborate on the development of a learning commons that provides an integrated, holistic learning experience for student success at the community college level and beyond. 

Objective 1.6:  Be an active participant in library consortium and collaborative efforts that provide students the opportunity to more broadly experience the use of information resources, technology, and services beyond the community college level.  

Objective 1.7:  Continue to collaborate with the OSU-Cascades campus to support COCC students who are dually enrolled or plan to transfer to OSU.

Objective 1.8:  Partner with other campus departments to promote college-level learning and student success. 


Workforce Development


Students will have access to a rich array of information resources and technology and will be equipped with information literacy skills necessary to meet current industry and workforce needs.


Objective 2.1: Collaborate with Career and Technical Education programs (CTE) for the implementation and assessment of information literacy skills as part of student preparation for a technologically-advanced workplace.  

Objective 2.2: Participate in college success initiatives to promote awareness of the library’s support in students workforce training.

Objective 2.3: Maintain and strengthen library support services and collections that support the needs of the CTE curriculum at all campuses.

Objective 2.4: Support CTE programs with the development of quality information resources and technology that meet and exceed accreditation standards.

Objective 2.5: Collaborate on the development of a learning commons that provides an integrated, holistic learning experience for student success in workforce development and beyond. 


Basic Skills


Students will have access to a rich array of information resources and technology and will be equipped with basic information literacy skills necessary to succeed at the college level and participate effectively as engaged community and family members and employees.


Objective 3.1:  Address information literacy skills as a Basic Skills outcome and provide library support in implementation and assessment.

Objective 3.2:  Collaborate with the Writing curriculum program in order to identify ways to effectively incorporate information literacy skills at the WR60/65 level.

Objective 3.3:  Maintain and strengthen library support services and collections supporting the needs of Basic Skills/ABE curriculum at all campuses.

Objective 3.4:  Participate in college success initiatives and partner with other campus departments to promote basic skills learning and student success. 

Objective 3.5: Collaborate on the development of a learning commons that provides an integrated, holistic learning experience for student success at all levels.


Lifelong Learning


The library will support lifelong learning in our community, providing services, collections, and cultural opportunities for enrichment, professional and personal development, and general wellness.


Objective 4.1: Provide opportunities for enrichment and personal development including art appreciation and cultural events that expose our community to diverse viewpoints, ideas, and life experiences.

Objective 4.2:  Build library collections to provide a high-quality library experience and promote access to a rich environment of information resources that encourage independent learning, problem solving, personal development, enrichment, and general wellness.

Objective 4.3:  Partner with other campus departments to promote efforts for lifelong learning.

Objective 4.4:  Build partnerships with local libraries (e.g., Deschutes Public Library) to support efforts serving the educational needs of the broader community.

Objective 4.5: Collaborate on the development of a learning commons that provides an integrated, holistic learning experience in support of lifelong learning. 


Institutional Sustainability


The library will contribute to student success through careful plans and investments to ensure high quality library programs, resources, services, and facilities that support student learning and educational achievement.


Objective 5.1: Collect data, research, and assess the effects of library information literacy programs, services, and collections on student success.

Objective 5.2:  Prioritize library capital investment in a way that supports the college curriculum and ensures institutional quality and viability.

Objective 5.3:  Be an active participant in library consortium and collaborative efforts that use sustainable models of shared resources.

Objective 5.4:  Encourage partnerships with other campus departments to support cross-departmental, efficient operations for the library and the college. 

Objective 5.5: Manage the library facility in collaboration with other departments residing in the building to ensure efficiency as well as institutional quality and viability.

Objective 5.6: Play a primary advocacy and support role for the creation and sharing of open educational resources (OER) to reduce the cost of textbooks, expand access to knowledge, and support student success.

Objective 5.7: Provide cost-effective and efficient support for branch campus operations, utilizing and expanding existing library resources, services, technology, collections, and information literacy programming.

Objective 5.8: Evaluate the BLLC's partnership with the OSU-Cascades campus to ensure mutually beneficial and cost-effective ways to serve students on both campuses 


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