To meet Intermediate Goal 1 Objective 1 (IGO.1.1), a survey was created in Spring 2016 to be distributed to a faculty member following an IL session.
Survey Questions
- Please select the current term.
- Please indicate your course.
- Did you communicate with the librarian prior to the session?
- If so, did you provide a copy of your assignment/syllabus to the librarian?
- Please rank the importance of tools/skills covered during the session as it relates to your assignment.
- How likely would you be to recommend an IL session to another faculty member?
- How would you rate your students' ability to find and evaluate relevant information prior to this session?
- How would you rate your students' ability to find and evaluate relevant information after this session?
- Would you request a librarian come to your class again?
- What did you find useful about this session?
- Do you have any suggestions for improving this session?
- Please include your email address if you would be interested in a librarian contacting you about designing a research assignment or if you would be willing to share your student assignments to allow a librarian to evaluate the sources used.
Survey Results
To be distributed following IL sessions starting in the Spring 2016 term.
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