
2015-16 Archive

Page history last edited by Kirsten Hostetler 8 years, 1 month ago

This section serves as an archive for the Measurements and Timelines during the 2015-16 academic year for the Foundational, Advanced, Intermediate and IL Program Support and Sustainability Goals and Objectives.


To see completed annual assessments for the 2015-16 academic year, click here.



Foundational Goal 1


Establish relationships and engage with students. The library recognizes that it can play an important role helping students adjust to the social and academic demands of college life. IL is a set of foundational skills students need to develop from the start to help build their confidence as learners and creators of information.

Objective FGO.1.1


Participate in Bobcat Orientation to introduce students to library resources and services

Measurements & Timeline:

To be completed Winter 2016:

    • Schedule a meeting with Suzi Kristensen to discuss how the library can continue to be involved in Advanced Diploma orientations on Prineville campus

Task Update: completed

To be completed Spring 2016: 

    • Using the annual report, SPAM brainstorms ways to incorporate IL into Bobcat Orientation, taking into consideration feedback from library staff who participated in 2015-16 orientations

Task Update: completed

    • Schedule a meeting with Shawna Elsberry and RPM campus coordinators to discuss options of incorporating IL into orientations developed by SPAM

Task Update: completed

Objective FGO.1.2


Offer sessions that familiarize students with library resources during one-off sessions outside credit courses

Measurements & Timeline:

To be completed Spring 2016:

    • Create survey to use during one-off sessions to collect student feedback and incorporate into one-off session design

Task Update: completed

Objective FGO.1.3


Create drop-in workshops to support students

Measurements & Timeline:

To be completed Spring 2016:

    • SPAM to identify needed skills appropriate for workshops and strategize for time/location of offerings

Task Update: completed

Objective FGO.1.4


Offer research support via reference desk (could be extended in classroom via Bb)

Measurements & Timeline:

To be completed Winter 2016:

    • SPAM to meet for strategizing and implementing an assessment tool at the reference desk following research encounters

Task Update: completed 

    • Schedule a meeting with eLearning team to discuss ways of incorporating Ask A Librarian or creating a library orientation class integrated into Blackboard to be shared with SPAM

Task Update: completed

Objective FGO.1.5


Design web presence that facilitates self-directed use of library resources, including support of IL skills at the developmental level

Measurements & Timeline:

None for 2015-16 Academic Year

Objective FGO.1.6


Provide support for Advanced Diploma (AD) and other state or local college credit initiatives where IL is a foundational skill (e.g., College Now, Expanded Options, other HS IL initiatives including AP and IB)

Measurements & Timeline:

To be completed Winter 2016:

    • Kirsten to report to SPAM on activities working with AD coordinators to incorporate LIB100 as part of AD prerequisites

Task Update: completed



Foundational Goal 2


Provide foundational support with basic development of IL skills through the developmental education and human development curriculum. Introducing students to the library at the developmental education and human development course level helps these students connect to the available resources at an early stage and as they advance in their academic career path.

Objective FGO.2.1 


Collaborate with Developmental Writing faculty and program
coordinator to assess and further develop IL practices                                                                                                                                        

Measurements & Timeline: 

None for 2015-16 Academic Year

Objective FGO.2.2 


Work with faculty and HD program coordinator to identify and
implement IL outcomes in Human Development curriculum.

Measurements & Timeline:

None for 2015-16 Academic Year



Foundational Goal 3


Expand IL and research support for all students at all COCC campuses. As the northern COCC campuses continue to grow and serve larger populations of the tri-county community, the library commits to the NWCCU’s accreditation standard of ensuring the same quality access to resources and assistance on every campus. The library understands that each campus has unique information needs and that it is important to provide a breadth of learning opportunities to meet individual student needs regardless of location.

Objective FGO.3.1


Administer IL sessions at all northern campuses in support of course outcomes

Measurements & Timeline:

None for 2015-16 Academic Year

Objective FGO.3.2


Collaborate with Redmond campus stakeholders on plans for creating a library space to facilitate IL support and meet NWCCU accreditation access standards

Measurements & Timeline:

To be completed Fall 2015:

    • Submit library infographic to RDM stakeholders to secure vision of RDM library space

Task Update: completed

To be completed Winter 2016:

    • Kirsten and Tina report to SPAM on progress of RDM library space project

Task Update: completed 

Objective FGO.3.3


Provide LIB credit offerings on all northern campuses

Measurements & Timeline:

None for 2015-16 Academic Year

Objective FGO.3.4


Implement a book-a-librarian program and/or library office hours on northern campuses to support students’ IL needs

Measurements & Timeline:

Spring 2016:

    • Kirsten develops plan to initiate a book-a-librarian program to better address student needs at the northern campus; plan to be shared and approved by SPAM

Task Update: completed

Fall 2016:

    • Roll out pilot book-a-librarian program at a northern campus

Task Update: completed




Intermediate Goal 1


Identify COCC courses with an IL outcome and develop strategies to support those outcomes. Information Literacy is often embedded throughout the college curriculum. Identifying areas where IL is a course outcome allows the library to have a more comprehensive approach in support of all such courses and helping students build their research skills in a systematic and progressive way.

Objective IGO.1.1


Provide instructors support for the design of effective IL course assignments

Measurements & Timeline:

To be completed Spring 2016:

    • SPAM to create an assessment tool for faculty to evaluate IL sessions

Task Update: completed 

Objective IGO.1.2


Develop web-based instructional support and resources (e.g., assignment ideas, tips, IL rubric, library course for faculty)

Measurements & Timeline:

None for 2015-16 Academic Year

Objective IGO.1.3


Collaborate with faculty by exploring alternatives to course-offerings that integrate IL in curriculum

Measurements & Timeline:

To be completed Winter 2016:

    • Kirsten to contact Learning Communities chair to discuss sustainability of that program

Task Update: completed

    • SPAM to identify CTE programs that have IL component but unable to integrate credit courses, and 
      determine IL needs via learning objects or IL session offerings; see AGO.1.1

Task Update: completed



Intermediate Goal 2


Collaborate and build close working relationships between librarians and other college faculty. The Library stays committed to helping instructors discover the opportunities offered by its rich collections and services and use of such resources to enhance learning and teaching.  Working closely with instructors, librarians may serve as catalysts supporting student learning and helping faculty take the best advantage of the resources the Library makes available.

Objective IGO.2.1


Introduce IL concepts in workshops for faculty, including new faculty orientation and part-time orientation

Measurements & Timeline:

To be completed Spring 2016: 

    • Kirsten schedule meeting with Chad to discuss library involvement in part-time faculty orientations

Task Update: awaiting response to 4/25/16 email

Objective IGO.2.2


Lead IL discussions in department meetings

Measurements & Timeline:

None for 2015-16 Academic Year

Objective IGO.2.3


Invite faculty to Library open houses as a means to build relationships

Measurements & Timeline:

To be completed Spring 2016:

    • SPAM to strategize on creating faculty open house and survey to be offered in Fall 2016

Task Update: to be folded into formal Outreach Plan (re: AGO.2.1) as coffee hour in the fall term

Objective IGO.2.4


Integrate IL-related information in faculty trainings via Teaching Commons and Teaching Academy

Measurements & Timeline:

To be completed Winter 2016:

    • Schedule a meeting with Andria Woodell and Kathy Smith to discuss library involvement in Teaching Commons

Task Update: completed



Intermediate Goal 3


Connect with other college support services (e.g., Tutoring & Writing Center) where the Library’s instructional role may be relevant to student experiences. The Library recognizes that IL skills develop as part of the overall student experience and campus support they receive for their success.  Promoting awareness of the Library’s role as it connects to other campus support services creates opportunities for students to see the role of the library within the context of their whole college experience.

Objective IGO.3.1


Explore creative partnerships with student support services          

Measurements & Timeline:

None for 2015-16 Academic Year



Advanced Goal 1


Identify and provide support to specific academic and career programs where IL is integral to the student’s preparation for career success. IL is recognized as a statewide general education outcome and is embedded in COCC’s WR121/122 curriculum; however, a majority of current outcomes are dedicated to writing and to fully integrate IL into student success and experience, IL programming needs to go beyond what can be accomplished in the two course writing sequence and link directly to students’ career paths.

Objective AGO.1.1


Explore opportunities to provide discipline-oriented and subject-specific IL
support for current curriculum and degree-seeking programs and certificates and/or integrate credit class in CTE degree requirements

Measurements & Timeline:

To be completed Winter 2016:

    • SPAM to assess current practices where discipline-specific IL is provided in the classroom and/or where progress was made in creating discipline-specific credit courses and strategize on follow up steps

Task Update: completed

To be completed Spring 2016:

    • Schedule meetings with discipline stakeholders to strategize on subject-specific IL needs and how best to address them; see IGO.1.3

Task Update: completed


Advanced Goal 2


Offer comprehensive instruction in the development of IL via the library’s credit course curriculum. The Library’s credit course curriculum helps students develop and enhance their IL skills in a comprehensive way. Such courses take students beyond the specific, sometimes limited IL goals and outcomes of WR121/WR122 and individual, 50-minute instructional sessions or other subject-specific courses. The Library’s credit course curriculum allows students to become fully engaged in the development of their IL skills.   

Objective AGO.2.1


Promote credit-bearing courses (LIB 100, 127, 227) as cornerstones of IL

on all COCC campuses for transfer-seeking students

Measurements & Timeline:

None for 2015-16 Academic Year

Objective AGO.2.2


Explore student success outcomes for students taking credit-bearing courses

Measurements & Timeline:

None for 2015-16 Academic Year



IL Program Support and Sustainability Goal 1


Commit to professional development for library instructors and establish ongoing opportunities for continuous improvement in teaching and learning. The library instructional staff commits to serving our students with integrity and excellence. Professional development opportunities are crucial to ensuring this quality and enacting proficient execution of this plan. Librarians need opportunities to expand existing competencies, gain diversity of thought through meaningful cross-disciplinary work, and contribute to the greater professional field of library and information science.

Objective ILP.1.1


Use professional organizations and consortium resources for training, including involvement in conferences and workshops

Measurements & Timeline:

None for 2015-16 Academic Year

Objective ILP.1.2


Advocate for funding and IL training for all levels of library staff

Measurements & Timeline:

To be completed Spring 2016:

    • Create timeline for professional development trainings to be held during staff meetings

Task Update: completed



IL Program Support and Sustainability Goal 2


Commit to future of IL through participation in consortial, statewide and local advocacy efforts. The library recognizes a need to coordinate organized, continuous discussions about the value of IL and libraries. Planned and consistent advocacy efforts ensure sufficient funding for quality IL support and services, establish the library as a modern resource relevant to student needs, and provide opportunities for instructional staff to participate in and learn from vital professional conversations.

Objective ILP.2.1


Provide vocal advocacy for IL via library organizations, consortia, and statewide initiatives and agencies (e.g., ILAGO, OCCLA, CCWDevEd, OLA)

Measurements & Timeline:

None for 2015-16 Academic Year

Objective ILP.2.2


Support IL goals via librarian participation in college-wide committees

Measurements & Timeline:

None for 2015-16 Academic Year



IL Program Support and Sustainability Goal 3


Provide infrastructure resources and tools to support the delivery of IL instruction. To best address students’ IL needs, the library requires appropriate infrastructure, space and technology. Providing these relevant tools, resources and locations allow students to engage in lessons and actively participate in the class, which is essential to successfully achieving IL instructional outcomes.

Objective ILP.3.1


Work to establish an instructional space dedicated to IL                   

Measurements & Timeline:

None for 2015-16 Academic Year

Objective ILP.3.2


Explore instructional tools and technology that would support IL instruction

Measurements & Timeline:

None for 2015-16 Academic Year



IL Plan Timeline Calendar -- Chronological Order of Objective Assessments


January 11, 2016

COMPLETED | IGO.2.4 | Schedule a meeting with Andria Woodell and Kathy Smith to discuss library involvement in Teaching Commons 


February 8, 2016

COMPLETED | FGO.1.1 | Schedule a meeting with Suzi Kristensen to discuss how the library can continue to be involved in Advanced Diploma orientations on Prineville campus


February 10, 2016

COMPLETED | AGO.1.1 | SPAM to assess current practices where discipline-specific IL is provided and/or where progress was made in creating discipline-specific credit courses and strategize on follow up steps


February 24, 2016

COMPLETED | FGO.1.4 | Schedule a meeting with eLearning team to discuss ways of incorporating Ask A Librarian or creating a library orientation class integrated into Blackboard to be shared with SPAM


March 16, 2016

COMPLETED | FGO.1.6 | Kirsten to report to SPAM on activities working with AD coordinators to incorporate LIB100 as part of AD prerequisites

COMPLETED | FGO.3.2 | Kirsten and Tina report to SPAM on progress of RDM library space project


March 28, 2016

COMPLETED | IGO.1.3 | SPAM to identify CTE programs that have IL component but unable to integrate credit courses, and determine IL needs via learning objects or IL session offerings; see AS.1.1

COMPLETED | AGO.1.1 | Schedule meetings with discipline stakeholders to strategize on subject-specific IL needs and how best to address them


March 29, 2016

COMPLETED | IGO.1.3 | Kirsten to contact Learning Communities chair to discuss sustainability of that program


April 6, 2016

COMPLETED | FGO.1.2 | Create survey to use during one-off sessions to collect student feedback and incorporate into one-off session design


April 13, 2016

COMPLETED | IGO.1.1 | SPAM to create an assessment tool for faculty to evaluate IL sessions


April 25, 2016

COMPLETED | IGO.2.1 | Kirsten schedule meeting with Chad to discuss library involvement in part-time faculty orientations


April 25-May 1, 2016

COMPLETED | FGO.1.4 | Distribute assessment tool at the reference desk following research encounters


April 28, 2016

COMPLETED | ILP.1.2 | Create timeline for professional development trainings to be held during staff meetings


May 4, 2016

COMPLETED | FGO.1.3 | SPAM to identify needed skills appropriate for workshops and strategize for time/location of offerings


May 4, 2016

COMPLETED | FGO.1.1 | Using the annual report, SPAM brainstorms ways to incorporate IL into Bobcat Orientation, taking into consideration feedback from library staff who participated in 2015-16 orientations


May 10, 2016

COMPLETED | FGO.1.1 | Schedule a meeting with Shawna Elsberry and RPM campus coordinators to discuss options of incorporating IL into orientations developed by SPAM


May 25, 2016

COMPLETED | IGO.2.3 | SPAM to strategize on creating faculty open house and survey to be offered in Fall 2016


May 30-June 5, 2016

COMPLETED FGO.1.4 | Distribute assessment tool at the reference desk following research encounters


June 1, 2016

COMPLETED FGO.3.4 | Kirsten develops plan to initiate a book-a-librarian program to better address student needs at the northern campus; plan to be shared and approved by SPAM




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